Nitty-gritty facts about Defaulted student loans with Solutions
A short story of past: Once upon a time, there was a boy who was very meritorious and with his hard works he turned his fate to shower its blossom on him. After completing his studies, he turned into a sincere employee and gradually became an owner of a big business house. Then, he lived happily ever after.
A short story of now: A meritorious boy is there who is in difficulties for continuing to his higher studies because of its expensive fees structure. Then, he borrowed student loans and dropped into some difficulties and failed to return the amount on time. Now, he is suffering with the bad consequences of defaulted student loans and need help.

You must be thinking, why I am telling these infantry stories to you. But, if you notice them well, you will get to realize, how much truth these stories are revealing!! Where higher education is concerned, defaulted student loans has turned into a compulsory part of the student loan borrowers’ lives.
Previously, the whole situation was different but now nothing can be accomplished in this world in an easier way. If, we consider education, earlier a good student was confirmed to have a good future. But, now, good students need to borrow loans then find a job, so that he can return the amount on time. Otherwise, defaulted student loans get a hold of his neck.
Moreover, unemployment, underemployment, recessions, and price hikes continuously disturb them, which results in defaulted student loans. Sometimes, some students lose their focus in the middle and that too push them towards default.
Defaulted student loans bring along tougher situations for the defaulter students, such as:
Wage garnishment
Degrading credit records
Cancellation of professional license
Troubles raised by repeated phone calls and visits.
To get rid from these consequences, assistance is must.
Whenever, you land into such circumstances, contact your lenders as soon as possible and ask for deferment or forbearance.
You can also go for defaulted student loans consolidation, where increasing the allotted time period and decreasing the installment amounts to a minimum one, assistance to the defaulter person is given.
But, try not to fall into the traps of defaulted student loans because it is always better to stay safe than regret afterwards.