Quick Ways To Find A Little Extra Cash This Month
You all know the feeling. The end of the month is approaching, and your bank account is running on empty. There are two bills still waiting to be paid, and there’s a big red ‘final notice’ mark on one of them. You need some extra pocket money, and fast. Your salary will only stretch so far, and it’s not quite going far enough. We’ve all been there. Luckily, there are one or two tricks we’ve learnt over the years to ease the pain. We’re not talking about fake online schemes and false promises. The following ideas really do work when you’re in a pinch.
Ask for a raise
It’s the easiest trick in the book, but we know it takes some courage to ask for it! The reality is that most people who ask for a raise do get one. If you’ve been working at your job for more than a year, remind your employers of your worth. Remember to approach this in a professional manner. Outline the reasons why you feel you deserve a raise, and make your case. Pitch it correctly, and next month’s wage might just come with a little extra on top.
Freelance on the side
We’ve all got a skill or craft that’s useful to others. What’s yours? Can you write an eloquent turn of phrase? Why not pitch your skills as a freelance writer? If you’ve got some skill with design, look for extra work by creating logos and website designs for new clients. Do it in your spare evenings, and you’ll pocket a little extra cash each month. You can get started on the likes of Fiverr, eLance and other job boards. It’s a simple way to make money on the internet. When you’re feeling confident, approach more lucrative clients.
Sell your stuff
The only trouble with the two ideas above is that they take a little time to come to fruition. If you need cash right now, you need a faster option. What’s faster than selling your stuff, and getting an immediate cheque? Use eBay to sell old items hiding in your attic. Or, if you’ve got a crafty side, sell some homemade items on Etsy.
Loan options
If you’re struggling to get the money together to pay a bill, some people turn to pay-day loans. These solutions often work, but only if you have a plan to repay the amount quickly (within the next month). Otherwise, the interest payments can double or triple the repayment amount. A better alternative is to borrow money from your existing assets. Ie, borrow money from the value of your car or property. Visit varooma.com for more information on borrowing against the value of your car.
Odd jobs
There is a lot of easy money available on the odd jobs market. Search your local paper for openings such as dog-walking, car-washing, and errand-running. It might not be glamorous, but it pays in cold harsh cash. And it pays quickly.
If you need a little extra money in your pocket this month, start with these quick ideas. Have we missed any others?