7 Beneficial Tips to Maintain Your Modern Homes
So, you’ve got yourself a nice, beautiful, and most importantly, modern home. But you’re wondering to yourself: “How am I possibly going to keep this place clean and maintained so it looks as good as new?”
Well, this article has everything you could ever need to know about maintaining your modern home. No matter whether you’re looking for tips for when to do laundry in St. Louis, the best time to do dishes in DC, or Las Vegas AC repair, we’ve got you covered with these beneficial tips.
1.Create A “Landing Strip” For All the Incoming Items as You Walk in The Door.
The first tip we have when you’re trying to maintain your home is at the front door. We all know the front door can be a pretty chaotic zone, especially when you have children in the family. Jackets come flying off and land randomly on the floor. Shoes get thrown across the hallway. And then you’ve got a huge mess on your hands.
Try to create a “landing strip” for all of these items as you come through the door. Doing some DIY coat racks behind the front door is a great way to keep everything out of site and easy to access. Or a simple shoe rack for the kids to put their messy shoes on.
2.Dishes Should Be Washed Right After the Meal. Period.
Doing the dishes is one of the worst chores out there. Absolutely no one wants to do them, but when they pile up, it can be pretty messy and disgusting. That’s why there should be a rule in your home that dishes are automatically washed or put in the dishwasher after every meal. This will ensure that you’re not left with a pile of dishes at the end of the week because no one bothered to handle them.
3.Don’t Wait Until the End of The Week to Do Laundry.
You should be doing your laundry continuously throughout the week so you don’t end up with a big pile of smelly clothes in your laundry room that absolutely ruins your weekend. Try to pick two or three days out of the week to run a load of clothes and you’ll find yourself a lot less frustrated when it comes to this chore.
4.Time Yourself When You’re Cleaning.
Chores shouldn’t take that long. No matter what it is you’re cleaning, you shouldn’t be spending too much time on it because that just takes away from the rest of your day.
Next time you’re doing chores, try to time yourself for 20 seconds per chore in order to make the most out of your time. You’ll also be able to get a lot more chores done and your home will thank you for it!
5.Ensure You’re Using All of Your Storage Space to Keep the Clutter Away.
Clutter is one of the worst things that can happen to your modern home, so make sure you are utilizing all of the extra storage space you have to keep it out of sight and out of mind. Under the stairs, in that extra closest, or in the garage – wherever you put it, make sure your guests won’t be able to get a whiff of the mess.
6.Take Cleaning Breaks While the Commercials Are On.
If you’re a person who likes to watch TV, a good idea for keeping a clean house is to take cleaning breaks while those commercials come on. You surely don’t enjoy sitting through tons of commercials, so this is a fantastic way to get moving and get your home a bit more sparkling.
7.Make Sure the Rest of Your Household Is on Board.
Your house isn’t going to be maintained and kept clean without your entire household on board. Make sure that everyone in the house is aware of the new rules and how to keep a clean environment, especially the kids! Consider making a schedule of who does the chores and when.
And there you have it. All of the tips you need to make sure your house is cleaned and maintained regularly. Now, get to work!